Friday, 29 April 2011

Deva kings image


Anonymous said...

hello Aoki

happy to see you, so original, the mask in different positioning. your country right? "hugs . desde el sur

Unknown said...

He contemplado el vértigo y el dramatismo. Saludos Maribel.

Tante Kiki said...

Your photos are marvellous!

rosa roig said...

the mask as life, suspended

Olga Xirinacs said...

Gràcies, Aoki, per visitar el meu blog. Salutacions.
A casa tenim una col·lecció de gerros japonesos de més de 100 anys, comprats pels meus avis. Per tant, sempre tenim Japó present.
És tràgica l'expressió de la màscara que exposes en la caiguda fosca.
El nostre destí, el de cada persona, és acabar també en la foscor, segons teories del caos expressades per Jung.

Que la fotografia et faci feliç.

Leandro soriano said...

Dear friend. I admire its photographic work. They are very pretty and creative. It allows me to place them in some of my texts with its credit. Tanks.

Leandro Soriano

Jesús Chueca Zalba said...

Ohhhhhhh !!!!
Chapeau !!!

AVY said...

Very cool, love the coloring.

/ Avy

Carlos Alberto said...


Gracias por sumarte a mis blogs.

Mis blogs ya están en el gadget seguidores de

Takatugu Aoki photos of the world.

Nada es verdad, nada es mentira, todo es según el color del cristal con que se mira.



Thanks for joining my blogs.

My blogs are already on the gadget fans
Takatugu Aoki photos of the world.

Nothing is true, nothing is a lie, everything is under the eye of the beholder.


Stephanie Scarpa said...

Wow, cool mask and cool photos!

/S / http://

alterdom said...

Fascinating and breathtaking work,

my best thoughts to you and the Japanese people in trouble

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

If I wouldn't be afraid of masks (don't ask me why!), I would love, love the photos. Okay... :) I do love the photos. Excellent positioning and great colors. Great blog too!

Anne Lieri said...

Muito diferente e maravilhosa sua arte de fotografar!Encantada!Bjs,

Anne Lieri said...

Muito diferente e maravilhosa sua arte de fotografar!Encantada!Bjs,

Anne Lieri said...

Muito diferente e maravilhosa sua arte de fotografar!Encantada!Bjs,

Princesa115 said...

Maravillosas fotos, increibles, estupendas.
Ya soy tu seguidora

Bitch said...

A mask in any position.
Poetic thoughts...

Clint said...

These are marvelous images. I like the effect of different angles.

Cloudia said...

Wow!!!! Arrigato Gozaimasu!

Warm Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral




Rosana Barros said...

Ficou muito bacana os vários enquadramentos da máscara. Abraços

guillermo elt said...

Una pequeña sonrisa puede alegrar 100 caras tristes.

Besibrazos (besos + abrazos)

Sabagg said...

Very nice and interesting photos. Good idea: everything we see has lots of faces... HUgs from Spain!

Andri Alba said...

Hello, thank you very much for visiting. I like a lot your photos.


Anonymous said...

Hello Each and every one I've heard great stuff about your forums, so that made the decision to join. looking forward to meeting some new friends

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Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Excellent work.


original fantastic masks and photos ! Have a nice weekend!

Virginia Maria de Jesus Fassarella said...

Thanks for visiting. Your photos are beautiful. I'm following you. Hugs

Virginia Maria de Jesus Fassarella said...

Thanks for visiting. Your photos are beautiful. I'm following you. Hugs


mask and amazing photos! Greetings!